Press Kit

Ente is an open source company founded in 2020 by Vishnu Mohandas and Neeraj Gupta.

We click over 2 trillion photos every year, and we pay Big Tech to use our private memories as training data for their AI. This has to stop!

Our mission is to create a safe space to store and share our personal memories.

Ente provides apps for all devices that automatically backup your photos and videos, end-to-end encrypted. Our cryptography has been externally audited.

Ente also makes it easy to share your albums with your loved ones, with absolute privacy. Everything is end-to-end encrypted. They don't need the app, or an account, just simple links.

Ente has preserved 35 million+ photos so far.

You can find a detailed comparison of Ente against conventional cloud storage providers here.

Media assets

Preferred casing for Company: Ente
Preferred casing for Product: Ente Photos

Ente Photos - Banner

Ente Photos - All Devices
Light Mode
Ente - Home screenEnte - AlbumsEnte - CollaborationEnte - Family plansEnte - Search
Dark Mode
Ente - Home screenEnte - AlbumsEnte - CollaborationEnte - Family plansEnte - Search
Ente's mascot - Ducky
Team Ducky

If you'd like to talk to the team, please schedule a call.

For more details, please write to