Ente's privacy policy simplified

Hey there!

We're the Ente team, and we know privacy policies can be a bit... well, boring. But we believe your privacy is super important, so we've decided to break down our policy into simple terms. Here's what you need to know about how we handle your data:

1. Your data is yours

We can't see your photos, videos, or files. These are encrypted and only you have the key to decrypt them. It's like we're holding a locked box for you, but we can't peek inside.

2. No lock-ins

You can export your data anytime with a single click! Your memories, your rules.

3. You're in control

You can ask us to delete your data anytime. If you decide to leave Ente, we'll wipe your data from our servers.

4. Minimal data collection

We only collect what we absolutely need to run our service. No extras, no fluff.

5. Minimal third-party dependencies

We use trusted partners only where absolutely necessary. We rely on open-source tools and self-host them as much as possible.

6. GDPR compliant

We're fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means you have strong rights over your personal data, including the right to access, correct, or delete your information. We take these responsibilities seriously and have designed our systems to respect your privacy rights from the ground up.

7. We're here to help!

Got questions? Concerns? Just want to chat about privacy? Reach out to us at privacy@ente.io. You'll have a human responding to your queries!

Bottom line

At Ente, we believe your memories are yours alone. Our job is to keep them safe, private, and always available to you. We've built our entire company around this idea, and we're committed to being transparent about how we handle your data.

Thanks for trusting us with your memories.

- The Ente Team

P.S. For those who love the details, our full privacy policy is always available on our website. But we hope this simplified version helps you understand the core of what we're all about!