Auth v3

June 01, 2024

It's been over a year since we launched Auth, and we're very grateful for the love that it has received.

Auth was a project we started building over weekends because we couldn't find an open source authenticator that offered end-to-end encrypted backups.

We are now here to showcase v3.0, that comes with some major improvements.


Here are the highlights of what has been added since v2.0.

Desktop apps

Screenshot of Auth's desktop apps

In addition to our iOS, Android and web apps, we now have apps for Linux, Mac & Windows so you can access and manage your codes from everywhere.

You can grab the latest builds for your platform here.

Pinning & Tagging

Screenshot of Pinning and Tagging
features within Auth

You can now pin your favorite codes to the top, so they're always a single tap away.

You can also organize them with tags ("Work", "Personal", ...), to easily find the one you're looking for.

All of this information will be preserved, end-to-end encrypted.

Data migration

We have added support for importing data from a bunch of providers.

Screenshot of the import screen within Auth

Don't worry about lock-ins. You can easily export your data in a single click into a plain-text file, or an encrypted one. To decrypt the latter, you can use our CLI.

Steam codes

Steam comes with a non-standard protocol for it's second-factor codes, but starting this release we've added support for their format as well.

Importing your code from Steam is a bit of a hassle, but one of our community members has written a simple guide that should help!

Logo for Auth

To acknowledge the level of maturity the product has reached, we splurged and landed on some pixels that better represent Auth.

We've spent an unreasonable amount of time looking at pixels before picking this one, so we hope you like it as much as we do!


Screenshots of Auth's website

To mark this milestone, we've launched a dedicated website for Auth @

We hope this will make it easy to share Auth with your friends and help improve their security posture. In fact, telling your friends about Ente is the best way to support us!


We would like to officially announce that Ente Auth will be free forever.

Thanks for all the support so far.

You can watch a live stream of our work @

If you have any feedback, or would simply like to hang out, say hello on Discord!
